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Why robobrush?

Robobrush is leading automatic toothbrush brand used by 1000's people all over europe
30 sekundové čistenie
Vyčistí všetky zuby naraz, úplne sama, len za 30 sekúnd.

30 second cleaning
Cleans all your teeth at once, on its own, in just 30 seconds.
Antibakteriálny náustok
Náustok z antibakteriálneho silikónu zabije až 99,99% všetkých baktérií.

Antibacterial mounthpiece
Antibacterial silicone mounthpiece kills up to 99% of bacteria.
Bassova technika
Čistí zuby v 45° uhle pomocou zubármi odporúčanej Bassovej techniky

Bass technique
Cleans teeth in 45° angle with dentist-recommended Bass technique
Nevynechá žiadne miesto
Obojstranný silikónový náustok čistí zuby zo všetkých strán a uhlov.

Never misses a spot
Double-sided silicone mouthpiece cleans teeth from all sides and angles.
Viac voľného času
Vďaka 4x rýchlejšiemu čisteniu zubov vám ušetrí až 18 hodín ročne.

More free time
Saves you up to 18 hours yearly with 4x faster teeth cleaning.
Pre zdravé ďasná
Efektívnym čistením zubného povlaku pomáha predísť ústupu ďasien. 

For healthy gums
Effectvely cleans dental plaque, thus helps preventing receding gums.
4.7 / 5

Revolutionary handsfree toothbrush cleans all your teeth at once. On its own.

Just pres one button, wait 30 seconds and you'll have perfectly clean teeth
Provides comfortable nailcare at any age without pain or effort
Shop robobrush
John Kundera
I was surprised at how easy it was to use this device. It feels weird at first, but once you get the hang of it you can see how clean your teeth become. I feel like I just left the dentist's office.
4.7 / 5 based on 1000+ reviews

Revolutionary handsfree toothbrush cleans all your teeth at once. On its own.

Just pres one button, wait 30 seconds and you'll have perfectly clean teeth
Provides comfortable nailcare at any age without pain or effort
Discover robobrush 👉
John Kundera
I was surprised at how easy it was to use this device. It feels weird at first, but once you get the hang of it you can see how clean your teeth become. I feel like I just left the dentist's office.


Start with our best selling products and get whiter and brighter smile in no time

Why robobrush?

Robobrush is inovative brand of dental hygiene products trusted by thousands of consumers all over EU
30 second cleaning
Robobrush cleans all your teeth at once, on its own, in just 30 seconds
Bass technique
Cleans teeth in 45° angle with dentist-recommended Bass technique
Healthier gums
Effectvely cleans dental plaque, thus helps preventing receding gums
Secure shopping
Your order is secured by 256-bit encryption technology
EU company
All products in stock. 98% packages arrive within 3 days
60 day guarantee
Items can be returned within 60 days if not satisfied

60 day satisfaction guarantee.

If you are not satisfied with your robobrush toothbrush, simply send it back to us for a full refund.

60 day satisfaction guarantee.

If you are not satisfied with your robobrush toothbrush, simply send it back to us for a full refund.
Copyright ©2024. All rights reserved
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